
A Trading Card


Established in 2010, The Art Hustle is a boutique trading card series featuring contemporary artists & art. Uniquely presented on trading cards, this curated series is very much a collaborative effort with the participating artists.


The Art Hustle exhibits an international group currently working in a variety of disciplines including street art, toy art, kaiju, illustration, painting, sculpture, aerosol art, tattoo art, digital art, film, photography and more.


Included in the classic wax packs are Artist Profile Cards and Art Cards; both with interesting facts on the backs that you don’t want to miss. Artist-customized cards have been randomly inserted into packs, giving collectors the chance to pull an actual original piece of artwork. Signature Cards and exclusive special inserts have also been included; all contributing to a fun and dynamic collecting experience.



Boxes and individual wax packs of The Art Hustle are available through select shops, galleries and on-line retailers.



The Art Hustle contains imagery and language not suitable for all audiences.



Each box of The Art Hustle is a numbered limited edition.



There are 36 wax packs in each box.



There is a complete base card set in each box.



There are 15 box top variations for each series.



Special inserts vary based on series.



Each series has a master checklist that can be accessed from the series' main page.


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The Art Hustle is a boutique trading card series exhibiting

contemporary artists and art.


Some content may not be suitable for all audiences.


The images and artwork displayed on this site remain under the intellectual property rights of the artists/participants and may not be used or reproduced without their consent.

Please note that attachments will not be opened.

® 2014 The Art Hustle